
We kindly ask you to read our privacy policy. (I) and cookies (II)

I – Protection of personal data

The law firm of Irina Sidorova is committed to protecting the privacy and data of its contacts (users of its website and social networks, contacts made in the context of professional meetings, files, assignments, partnerships, services, applications, etc.).

As such, Irina Sidorova Law Firm complies with applicable European law on the protection of personal data, and, in particular, with the European Data Protection Directive. European General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data n°2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (known as “RGPD / GDPR”).as well as all rules of French law adopted in application thereof.

The purpose of this document is to inform data subjects (“you” or “your”) about the manner in which the Irina Sidorova Law Firm, in its capacity as data controller, collects and uses personal data concerning you (“personal data”) and about the means available to you to control this use and exercise your rights in relation thereto.

1. When is your personal data collected?

The Irina Sidorova law firm may collect your personal data in the context of professional meetings, files, partnerships, job applications, your visit to our offices, your visit to our website and Facebook pages, as well as your use of its online services, particularly information services.

Declarative personal data is that which you provide via forms, whether dematerialized on the website, in paper format or in response to questions put to you by lawyers or members of the firm.

Irina Sidorova Law Firm applies the principles of data minimization, data protection by design and data protection by default. Consequently, the information collected is relevant, adequate and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed.

2. On what basis is your data collected?

Your personal data will be processed by the Irina Sidorova Law Firm in the cases permitted by the applicable regulations, and in particular under the following conditions:

  • when you have given your free, specific, informed and unambiguous consent to the processing of your personal data (e.g. subscription to thematic information, event registration, etc.);
  • when this is necessary for the performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures taken at your request (e.g.: application, taking charge of a file, need for access to a dataroom, etc.);
  • to comply with the legal or regulatory obligations of the Irina Sidorova law firm (e.g. fight against fraud);
  • when the legitimate interests of the Irina Sidorova law firm may be such as to justify processing (e.g. computer security measures).

In each case, information is provided in accordance with the applicable law.

3. Why is your personal data collected?

Your personal data is collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.

Depending on the case, your personal data may be used for the following purposes:

  • dialogue with you on projects, assignments, partnerships, etc;
  • participate in satisfaction surveys, analyses and statistics in order to improve our services and our knowledge of our customers and prospects;
  • request, obtain or receive information about Irina Sidorova;
  • subscribe to and receive thematic information (legal training, documentation, invitations, activity reports, etc.);
  • process your job application;
  • improve your customer experience.

The Irina Sidorova law firm may also use your personal data for administrative purposes or for any other purpose required by current legislation.

4. Who will receive your personal data?

As your personal data is confidential, only persons duly authorized by the Irina Sidorova law firm may access your personal data, without prejudice to its possible transmission to bodies entrusted with a mission of control or inspection in accordance with the applicable regulations.

All persons having access to your personal data are bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

These people include authorized personnel (lawyers, administrative staff). Our service providers may also be required to process personal data strictly necessary for the performance of the services we entrust to them (assignment, electronic and postal distribution, logistics, etc.).

If we use affiliates or service providers located outside the European Union, Irina Sidorova Law Firm undertakes to verify that appropriate measures have been put in place to ensure that your personal data benefit from an adequate level of protection.

5. How is the security of your personal data protected?

The Irina Sidorova law firm is committed to protecting and securing your personal data in order to ensure its confidentiality and prevent it from being distorted, damaged, destroyed or disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

When the disclosure of data to third parties is necessary and authorized, Irina Sidorova Law Firm ensures that these third parties guarantee the data concerned the same level of protection as that offered to them by Irina Sidorova Law Firm, and requires contractual guarantees so that, in particular, the data is processed exclusively for the purposes that you have previously accepted, with the required confidentiality and security.

The Irina Sidorova Law Firm implements technical and organizational measures to ensure that personal data is kept securely for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes pursued in accordance with applicable law.

Although Irina Sidorova Law Firm takes reasonable measures to protect your personal data, no transmission or storage technology is completely infallible.

In accordance with applicable European regulations, in the event of a proven breach of personal data likely to give rise to a high risk for the rights and freedoms of the persons concerned, the Irina Sidorova law firm undertakes to inform the competent supervisory authority of the breach and, where required by the said regulations, the persons concerned (individually or generally, as the case may be).

Without prejudice to the foregoing, it is your responsibility to exercise caution to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and terminals.

In addition, the firm’s website may contain links to third-party websites that may be of interest to you. The Irina Sidorova Law Firm has no control over the content of these third-party sites or over the practices of these third parties with regard to the protection of any personal data they may collect. Consequently, the Irina Sidorova Law Firm declines all responsibility for the processing of your personal data by these third parties. It is your responsibility to inform yourself about the personal data protection policies of these third parties.

6. How long will your personal data be stored?

Irina Sidorova retains your personal data for as long as is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which it was collected, subject to the legal possibilities of archiving, obligations to retain certain data, and/or anonymization.

In particular, we apply the following retention periods for these few main categories of personal data:

  • Personal data of customers/prospects/business partners: as long as the user is active and, at the latest, 3 years after the last contact with the user (with the exception of the agreement to maintain contact);
  • Personal connection data(datarooms): 1 year after last connection;
  • Candidates’ personal data(recruitment): duration necessary to process the application and, in the event of a negative outcome, 3 years after the last contact (unless the candidate agrees to a longer duration).

7. What are your rights regarding your personal data and how can you exercise them?

7.1. Your rights

Subject to the limits provided for by the regulations in force, you have the following rights with regard to your personal data:

  • Right to information on the processing of your personal data

The Irina Sidorova law firm strives to provide you with concise, transparent, understandable and easily accessible information in clear and simple terms on the conditions under which your personal data is processed.

  • Right of access, rectification and deletion (or “right to be forgotten”) of your personal data

The right of access allows you to obtain from Irina Sidorova Law Firm confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed, and the conditions of such processing, as well as to receive an electronic copy thereof (for any additional copies, Irina Sidorova Law Firm is entitled to demand the possible payment of a reasonable fee based on the administrative costs incurred).

You also have the right to obtain from Irina Sidorova Law Firm, as soon as possible (and by default, within 30 days), the rectification of your personal data.

Lastly, subject to the exceptions provided for by applicable law (e.g.: retention necessary to comply with a legal obligation), you have the right to ask Irina Sidorova to delete your personal data, as soon as possible, when one of the following reasons applies:

  • Your personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • You wish to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data and there are no other grounds for such processing;
  • You consider and can establish that your personal data has been processed unlawfully;
  • Your personal data must be deleted in accordance with a legal obligation.
  • Right to limit the processing of your personal data

The applicable regulations stipulate that this right may be invoked in certain cases, in particular the following:

  • when you dispute the accuracy of your personal data;
  • when you consider and can establish that the processing of personal data is unlawful but you object to the erasure of personal data and demand instead the restriction of processing;
  • when the Irina Sidorova law firm no longer needs your personal data but they are still necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal rights.
  • Right to portability of personal data

Where processing is based on your consent or a contract, this right to portability allows you to receive the personal data you have provided to Irina Sidorova Law Firm in a structured, commonly used format, and to transmit this personal data to another controller without Irina Sidorova Law Firm hindering this.

Where technically possible, you may request that such personal data be directly transferred to another data controller by the Irina Sidorova Law Firm.

  • Right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data

Where the Irina Sidorova Law Firm processes your personal data on the basis of your consent, such consent may be withdrawn at any time using the means made available to you for this purpose (procedure indicated in point 7.2 herein). However, in accordance with applicable law, the withdrawal of your consent is valid only for the future and does not call into question the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to this withdrawal.

  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If, despite the efforts of the Irina Sidorova law firm to preserve the confidentiality of your personal data, you feel that your rights have not been respected, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. A list of supervisory authorities is available on the European Commission website.

  • The right to decide what happens to your personal data after your death

Finally, you have the right to organize the fate of your personal data post-mortem by adopting general or specific directives. The Irina Sidorova law firm is committed to respecting these guidelines. In the absence of directives, the Irina Sidorova law firm recognizes that heirs may exercise certain rights, in particular the right of access, if this is necessary for the settlement of the deceased’s estate; and the right of opposition to proceed with the closure of the deceased’s user accounts and oppose the processing of their data.

7.2. How to exercise your rights

If you have any questions regarding this document and/or wish to exercise your rights as described above, you may contact the Irina Sidorova law firm, either electronically or by post, by sending a letter together with a copy of any identification document to: (specifying the rights you wish to exercise)

Irina Sidorova, lawyer
10 avenue Hoche
75008 Paris, France

The Irina Sidorova law firm undertakes to reply as soon as possible, and in any event within one month of receiving your request.

If necessary, this deadline may be extended by two months, taking into account the complexity and number of requests addressed to the Irina Sidorova law firm. In this case, you will be informed of the extension and the reasons for the postponement.

If your request is submitted electronically, the information will also be provided electronically where possible, unless you expressly request otherwise.

If the Irina Sidorova law firm does not comply with your request, it will inform you of the reasons for its inaction and you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and/or to take legal action.

II – Cookies policy

1. Definition

A cookie is a small alphanumeric text file placed on the user’s hard disk by the server of the site visited or by a third-party server (advertising agency, web analytics service, etc.).

A cookie is generally considered to recognize a visitor when they return to a website. However, on a technical level, the cookie actually identifies a machine and not a user. A cookie can only be used by a server in the domain that set it.

The term “cookie” covers, for example:

  • http cookies
  • flash” cookies;
  • the result of the fingerprint calculation in the case of “fingerprinting” (calculation of a unique identifier for the machine based on elements of its configuration for tracing purposes);
  • invisible pixels or “web bugs”;
  • any other identifier generated by software or an operating system, for example.

You are informed that cookies may be installed on your terminal during your visits to the site.

2. Purpose of cookies used

The cookies used by the Irina Sidorova law firm are used to analyze site traffic and usage.

For this purpose, the Irina Sidorova law firm uses the services of Google (operated by Google Inc.) and more specifically the Google Analytics service.

Cookies are deposited and read on the user’s terminal equipment as soon as the user accesses a website using the Google Analytics service.

You can obtain more information on the Google Analytics service.

3. Consent

When you browse the Irina Sidorova law firm website, the placement and reading of cookies enables us to analyze your browsing and measure the site’s audience.