Main practice areas

French and Russian Business Law services

“Irina Sidorova” has particular experience in the following domains of French law:

Presentation of the Law Office

Irina Sidorova is a French law firm specializing in business law, supporting its clients in an international context. It aims to be at the cutting edge of legal, economic and social innovations.

With its clients’ expectations in mind, the firm is committed to offering customized solutions to situations encountered by individual entrepreneurs, private companies or associations. The firm offers to be their partner, both in advice and in litigation, as well as in negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Our aim is to provide them with the most effective responses to the realities of their business, and to the demands of national and international economic relations.

The firm is also able to advise you in other areas of the law. If the issue to be dealt with does not fall within our areas of expertise, the firm will call on external consultants under its supervision to carry out the assignment entrusted to it.

Quality communication is one of the firm’s top priorities. It is considered to be at the heart of the human and legal success of the missions entrusted to us.

Our specific services

We are an international firm. On the one hand, we assist foreign clients – French, Russian and English speakers – in their dealings with the French legal and economic system. We also support French and international customers in their transnational relations, particularly with Russia.

In addition to French, we regularly work in Russian and English. Our multilingualism enables clients to establish a direct, privileged relationship with their lawyer, avoiding misunderstandings that may arise from speaking different languages, while saving time and money on translation or interpreting costs.

Because we know that legal protection is a real added value and a prerequisite for the development of our customers’ business, we make sure that the quality of our analysis and handling of cases is combined with a sound knowledge of the economic, social and cultural context in which they operate.

Compliance with the lawyer's code of ethics

We are committed to respecting the essential rules governing the legal profession in France, and in particular professional secrecy.